Animal Jam 3 Horned Armor

Hopefully today's post is more interesting, because i got . . *looks at the clock* One hour left?! O_O
  1. Horned Animal List
  2. Animal Jam 3 Horned Armor Mod
That's more than i was expecting. XD
Hmm now i have 59 mins left. XP
I read somewhere one hour is about 59 point something mins. I forgot though. So don't believe it cuz that might be fake. o-o
Is this 'countdown' bothering you? o-o

On this post, there will be more Geckos. :D
SPOILER: There will be also Gecko gifs.

Dec 07, 2012  Reindeer Poop & Three horned Armor Hi Jammers! Jammie263 here! ^-^ Today's free gift from Animal Jam is. Another returning gift, I wish they'd make the pathway of mints like I mentioned in yesterday's post. Now, onto the new daily items! The first item is Reindeer Poop. It's a returning item from last year, and as much as it is kind of.

I love Geckos so much that i type Geckos with a capital letter at the start. :P
Some people think they're gross, but i think they're cute. But this is from a person who thinks snails and slugs are cute XD

But anyways, abandoning the subject of cuteness and reptiles, let's move on to the . .
You think this is in Epic Wonders.
Other people: WHAT?!
Other people: WHAAAAAT?!
This thing looks like it's from epic wonders, and its expensive as well. :T
So this is probz what happened:
AJHQ: YAAAY we're finally done this this item. Let's all take a nap bc we're tired of this
  1. Jul 17, 2014  Animal Jam Clearance Items and more! Thursday, July 17, 2014. The awesome three horned armor is now leaving today after being sold in Epic Wonders for awhile. They are really cool looking and if you put them on a penguin it makes it look like the penguin has abs! Buy yours now at Epic Wonders in Coral Canyons for 1,500 gems!
  2. Apr 19, 2015 We have a returning item coming to us today. Please welcome back the Three-horned armour! Nice item, to be- WHAT?! What is this price though AJHQ? Does this not belong in Epic Wonders? Well, it is not in the diamond shop- so I suppose we have much to be thankful for. Be sure to get this today at Jam Mart Clothing for 1500 gems!
Three horned armour: Eugh i hate this place . . it's full of more expensive items. Imma just run to Jam-Mart clothing then. Oh wait, i can't run.
*The three horned armour does a crawling action to get around and eventually arrives at Jam-mart clothing*
Three horned armour: lol this is my home now
Wait . . since when can clothing talk? O_O
Wait, NOW they do X3
Three horned armor is EVIL. O_O
lol wat.
For some reason, i like to draw faces on inanimate things. :P
But there is probably no one. XD
Do you think AJHQ is gonna make horned gauntlets or something? Then it would be more like an armor. :D

Horned Animal List

Horn helmet and horn armor look awesome together. :3
I recommend you wear them together if you like horns.

Despite this, Little Icycloud likes fox hats and worn blankets better. :D

I think Little Icycloud looks better like this. XP
(i haven't changed her look for about a year now . . )
2 years?!
(I joined October 2012 and October is towards the end of the year so it doesn't count. 2015 also doesn't count cuz it's not a full year . . yet!)
When i joined, i had no idea that Jamaa township changed according to the seasons. x3
So when the night of the phantoms where over, i was like: WHOAA everything is so bright and pretty!
Moving on, you know the spring bunnies?
Thanks to Silver Meows AJ for the picture, and in case you're curious the bunny is Lilacpetal's.
It's like a regular bunny . . right?
It has flower patterns, flowers surrounding the bunny, den items, AND a nametag that says 'spring bunny'
I seriously want my parents to buy me more membership. :C
But my membership renews every 6 months so i don't think they're gonna accept. DX
This is also why i have been a member ever since i got membership. lel.
But if i became NM then i would miss membership again, you know why?
It is the most annoying thing ever when you have just been AFK and you and your buddy have been talking about something. -_-

Animal Jam 3 Horned Armor Mod

So i just sometimes like to go on my spare, nm accounts to be a nm. XP
And then when i had enough of being a NM, i go back to my main account and be a member again. lel.
Why did AJHQ delete the chat history for NM's? It was a terrible idea. -_-
Some people actually started movements to bring it back. But AJHQ did not respond.
At least AJHQ brought the old and original map though which shows that they DO listen to us . . sometimes. XP
This was the 'new' map. o-o
Some people liked it better. It was fun and cartoony, but it didn't really suit AJ.
The original map actually LOOKS like a map, while the new one looks like . . it doesn't actually look like anything. o-o
Wow. We went from Spring bunnies, to AJ chat history, and now new vs original map.

Well, not really. It only has rainbow hair. XD
I think it looks awesome. :O
It also reminds me of Rainbow Dash. Remember pet ponies?
Anyways, here's the gecko gifs i promised you. ;3
Not many GIFs . . They wouldn't load. -.-
And lastly, here's a Mini Challenge!
Create a new design for Crystal sands. Will there still be slides? Will there be a bigger sea? Perhaps even a new ocean land!

The ice armor is one of the original special armor sets in Animal Jam. When it first came out you could only get it by purchasing an Animal Jam membership card. Now the ice armor set is available for purchase at the Diamond Shop.

You can buy the entire ice armor set for 9 diamonds at the diamond shop. This is a lot of diamonds for most players, especially if you dont have a membership. That’s why I made this page so you can post any codes for ice armor if you know them!

I know it’s been a while since they’ve had the Animal Jam membership cards with ice armor but there’s gotta be some unused codes that are still out there! Or if anyone knows any new diamond codes those would be helpful too!

Ice Armor – 3 Diamonds

Ice Helmet – 2 Diamonds

Ice Tail Armor – 2 Diamonds

Ice Amulet – 1 Diamond

Ice Gauntlets – 1 Diamond

As you can see, the ice armor set is pretty cool looking! You definitely dont see it around Jamaa as much as you used to because there are so many new armor sets out now. If you’re looking for a classic armor set that’s sure to get some looks, you need the ice armor!

Like I said before, if you know of any codes for the ice armor please leave them in the comments 🙂 It’d be great if we could make this page a place where everyone can share codes that they know!

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