Animal Jam Birthstones

What is the birthstone for January? As a matter of fact, the right question would be, what are the birthstones for January? There are all in all four birthstones of January, the first month of the year. What are the different January birthstones? Here we list the 4 types of January birthstone.

  1. Animal Jam Birthstone Guide
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  3. Animal Jam Birthstones In Order Of Month
  4. Animal Jam Birthstones Images

January Birthstones

Oct 09, 2019 After extensive research on birthstones, I found that one of the red January birthstones was not in fact red, but blue. I also discovered that another January stone was never actually prescribed for jewelry, but for a phallic symbol. You can read about these discoveries, as well as the magical powers of all birthstones, in my book Power Birthstone. Last Updated 10/1/19 The Birth Stones Collection was first released in 2013 at Epic Wonders and are sold for their respective birth month each year. It is similar to the Birth Flowers Collection.

  • Modern: Garnet
  • Traditional: Garnet
  • Ancient Italian & Russian: Garnet & Red zircon
  • Tibetan: Emerald
  • Indian: Serpent stone


By her who in this month is born
No gem save garnets should be worn;
They will ensure her constancy,
True friendship, and fidelity.

— Gregorian birthstone poem

Garnet is the most widely accepted birthstone for January. Garnet is the traditional as well as the modern January birthstone. Garnet was also consistently designated as the gemstone for January in the ancient Roman, Italian, Polish, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic and old Hindu (Ayurvedic) calendars. Before the gemstone was made the birthstone of January, garnet was the zodiac stone for Capricorn and Aquarius, both falling partly on the month of January.

Garnet is a valuable gemstone cherished since antiquity. While most expensive in its green variety called demantoid, garnet is most commonly a red gemstone. Accordingly the color of garnet regarded as stone for January is the red garnet, which comes from several garnet species, namely, almandine, pyrope, spessartine, andradite and grossular. This January gemstone is believed to bestow strength and protection. The January stone is also regarded as a symbol of friendship, exchanged between friends to express affection, and in the hope that they would meet again in the future.

Red Zircon

Zircon is a transparent gemstone that makes excellent substitute to diamond. While most popular in its blue color, zircon also occurs in red, in which case the gemstone is called hyacinth, or jacinth. This red zircon is the birthstone for January in the ancient Italian and Russian calendar. While hyacinth is the red variety of zircon, this January birthstone may also hold traces of yellow. The January stone is believed to enhance peace of mind, as well as bring prosperity.


Emerald is the birthstone for January in the old Tibetan calendar. This January birthstone is the green variety of beryl, and is, not only one of the most expensive gemstones in the world, but is also among the only four gemstones regarded as precious stones in the modern day. This birthstone of January is prized mostly for its color, the verdant green. When beryl occurs in a color beside green, the gemstone would be called by a different name — aquamarine when blue, for instance, and heliodor when yellow — and the stone would be accordingly less expensive. The January gemstone, emerald, is believed to bring well-being, as well as stimulate clairvoyance.

Serpent Stone

Serpent stone is the birthstone for January in the Hindu calendar. The identity of this January birthstone is rather dubious. Some say that the name serpent stone refers to ruby, which would make sense; since ruby is the birthstone for Capricorn — which falls partly on the month of January — and is a gemstone that is red in color, similar to the other birthstones for January, namely, garnet and red zircon. Others, however, insists that serpent stone is just that, serpent stone, better known as black stone or snake stone. This January stone consists of black animal bones believed to heal snake bites.

January Birthstone Color

What color is January birthstone? Given the limited choices of birthstones for January, and how they are definitively described by color, January birthstone color is undoubtedly red, specifically deep red. Garnet, the foremost birthstone for January, occurs most commonly as red stones, and is widely thought of as red since ancient times. The next January gemstone, hyacinth, is also a red gemstone. Indeed, there is no doubt that the primary birthstone color of January is red.

If a secondary color of January birthstone has to be named, that would be green. Emerald, the birthstone of January in the old Tibetan calendar, is green. The foremost January gemstone, garnet, likewise occurs in green, and is in fact most valuable in its green variety called demantoid. Serpent stone is in itself an uncertain gemstone; hence, using the birthstone for January in the Hindu calendar to determine the January stone color would present more questions than answers.

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Featured image credit: Cut red garnet by Humanfeather / Michelle Jo via Wikimedia Commons

Startling Discoveries

After extensive research on birthstones, I found that one of the red January birthstones was not in fact red, but blue. I also discovered that another January stone was never actually prescribed for jewelry, but for a phallic symbol.

You can read about these discoveries, as well as the magical powers of all birthstones, in my book Power Birthstone.

Meaning of Birthstones sometimes called Birthday Stones bestow blessings upon the wearer in symbolic and energetic ways, by wearing a birthstone you connect to the powers of the stone...

Spiritual Meaning of Birthstones. . . and the Symbolic Powers of Birthstones. For eons gemstones have been legendary for having amazing powers of prosperity, luck, wisdom, to name a few. This page features the meaning of the gemstones associated with the month someone is born. If giving a gemstone for a birthday, it's important to know what the meaning of the stone is! Writing a few words in a note-card about the gemstones attributes is a lovely gesture, one that will truly be remembered and cherished.

If you are seeking the meaning about your own birth date stone, this wisdom can bring you into greater attunement with who you really are. When you know the symbolism behind the stars, the flowers, the gems and the animals that influence you and your life, you can turn that into real power, ownership of who you are. When you see the parallels of your personality reflected in these things you know that you have it on divine authority to be and express who you truly are with no apologies. In the meaning of birthstones, you can find your power symbols and delight in being a beautiful authentic you!

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Meaning of Birthstones ~ Month by Month

Please make special note that some months have more than one birthstone. Simply choose from the meaning of birthstones for your month that resonates with you the most. When wearing the Garnet, meditate on the blessings, meditate on doubling the blessings by opening to receive as well as opening to give the blessings.


January Birthstone is Garnet
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Garnet

Eternal friendship and trust,
safe journeys and travel

Blessings of the Garnet Birthstone

true friendship


February Birthstone is Amethyst
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Amethyst

Clarity, strengthens relationships
a gem of royalty, the 'healers' stone

Blessings of the Amethyst Birth Stone

peace of mind
good intentions


March Birthstone is Bloodstone
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Bloodstone

Healing powers of the heart
Aquamarine: Cool and calming

Blessings of the Bloodstone Birthstone

to be pure of heart


April Birthstone is Diamond
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Diamond

True and everlasting love,
the power of lightning

Blessings of the Diamond Birthstone



May Birthstone is Emerald
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Emerald

Blessings of prosperity and growth

Blessings of the Emerald Birthstone

good fortune
fairy magic


June Birthstone is Agate/Pearl
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Agate

Grounding, inner peace
: the spirit of good fortune
Alexandrite: chameleon in nature
Pearl: Joy, purity

Blessings of the Agate Birthstone

earth magic


July Birthstone is Ruby
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Ruby

Radiant energy, wisdom, health, love and passion

Blessings of the Ruby Birthstone

life force energy


August Birthstone is Sardonyx/Periodot
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Sardonyx

Courage and Victory
Periodot: Magical powers of influence

Blessings of the Sardonyx Birthstone



September Birthstone is Sapphire
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Sapphire

Purity of Spirit, a favorite stone of kings,
to attract heavenly and divine blessings


Blessings of the Sapphire Birthstone



October Birthstone is Opal/Tourmaline
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Opal

The 'seers' stone, to see change
new and vast possibilities
Tourmaline: tokens of creativity

Blessings of the Opal Birthstone



November Birthstone is Topaz
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Topaz

Strength, endurance, new ideas and horizons
Citrine: token of abundance and well being

Blessings of the Topaz Birthstone



December Birthstone is Turquoise
Symbolic Meanings & Powers of Turquoise
Love charm, amulet of protection, ancestor guidance. Blue Topaz: Serenity, stone of the sea, connection to Atlantis. Tanzanite: Good life

Blessings of the Turquoise Birthstone

water journeys

You might also be interested in the metaphysical, spiritual, and magical aspects of gemstones and crystals.

For more information about the history and meaning of birthstones, visit wikipedia. The photo featured on this page about the meaning of birthstones comes from a vintage jewelers flyer produced by J. S. MacDonald in Baltimore, MD, (year unknown). I find it interesting how quickly our perceptions can change over just a few generations. But the dearest meaning is always the love that it is given with the stone.

Animal Jam Birthstone Guide

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Other great sources of traditional symbolism:
National Geo, Wikipedia
To support the welfare of animals : World Wildlife Fund

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