Jul 11, 2012 Hey Jammers! Have you noticed that this month's member gift is a Nature Archway? There are 4: lava, ice, vines, and flowers. All of them are animated, except for the ice arch, which is frozen in place.
Hey guys! I'm back again.

Secondly, here is the Daily Explorer Update.
Now, I do have to point out a comparison between two of the archways. Both of the following are the same archways, but one is sold in the Diamond Shop and has its symbol.
They look the same, right? Wrong. There are actually more vines on the newer one than the older. I know some people will probably try to scam newer players saying that their Diamond Archway is the original one. Don't fall for it!
Anyways, I have to go now. I hope you enjoyed this post, and I'll see you next time.