If you are looking to increase your Plushie collection in Animal Jam, I have some good news for you. AJHQ released the Pig Plushie into the game. The den item was released on April 6, 2019, and can be won by playing The Pig Claw game. Today, we are going to take a closer look at the Pig Plushie!
Pig Plushie Appearance
Animal Jam is an award-winning online animal game for kids. Become a member to get Diamonds, benefits in the mobile app Animal Jam – Play Wild! Animal Jam fan site with images, videos, forum, rewards, and more! Join the Animal Jam fan club today and meet others who are fans of Animal Jam. Scamming has unfortunately become common in Animal Jam. The offical online shop for AnimalJam.com and Animal Jam - Play Wild!
The Pig Plushie is a cute pig that is sitting down. It has black eyes, white pupils and a nice smile. On the top of its head, there is one tuft of hair. There are several stitches going from the head of the pig to its belly. There are a total of ten varieties, of which seven are considered regular.
There are also three unique Pig Plushies. What makes them unique are the outfits that those Pig Plushies are wearing. In the pictures below, you can see what the unique items look like.

Flying Pig
First of all, there is the Flying Pig. This Pig Plushie is wearing a pilot helmet and goggles, as well as a scarf. Because of its outfit, this Pig Plushie is also called the Flying Pig.
Chef Pig
The Chef Pig is wearing a chef’s hat, a white apron and a small red scarf. Because of its outfit, this Pig Plushie is also called the Chef Pig.
Punk Rocker Pig
The last unique Pig Plushie is called the Punk Rocket Pig. As you can see in the picture below, it appears to be wearing a black leather jacket, black sunglasses and has a Mohawk. It also has a gold earring in both of its ears.
Pig Plushies in Animal Jam – How to Get Them All!
None of the Pig Plushies were ever sold in any of the stores in the game. The only way to get them is by playing The Pig Claw game, which is a claw game den item. Let’s take a look at how you can obtain a Pig Plushie for yourself.
The Pig Claw Game
As mentioned above, it is possible to obtain all of the Pig Plushies by playing The Pig Claw game. In order to do so, you will have to purchase The Pig Claw den item, which is currently sold at the Diamond Shop for 3 Diamonds. When you win a game on The Pig Claw den item, your prize will be one of the Pig Plushie variants.
Animal Jam Panda
You might not want to purchase The Pig Claw den item for one reason or another. If that is the case, you can always try to trade for the Pig Plushies. The regular variants are pretty common. However, the unique outfit Pig Plushies will require you to offer valuable items in return.
Pig Plushie Codes for Animal Jam
There are currently no codes available for the Pig Plushie in Animal Jam. If you want to obtain a Pig Plushie, you can easily do so by playing The Claw Game, or by trading for it.
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If you are a Jammer, I am sure you’ve heard about, or seen, one of the many Plushies in the game. Plushies are stuffed animals, which can be bought and placed into your den. They look like the real animals in Animal Jam, but they can’t move. They are just for show. Let’s take a closer look at all the different kinds of Plushies that you can find in Jamaa!
Animal Jam Plushies Appearance
Even though most Plushies look like their pet counterpart, some of them are definitely made to look “fake”. They come in different sizes and colors. Some also have stitches on them. This is done so that players will know that the animal in your den is not real.
Claw Plushies
The easiest way to get Plushies in AJ is by winning them at The Claw mini-game. They are the most common Plushies in the game, because they are very easy to win.
Diamond Claw Plushies
This is what the Lynx Plushie looks like.
The Goat Plushie is among the cutest Plushies in AJ.
Underwater Claw Plushies
There are also Plushies that can only be won by playing the Underwater Claw mini-game. On August 3th, 2017, the Underwater Claw Machine was added to Animal Jam.

Animal Jam Plushies Amazon
The Dolphin and Shark Plushies, as well as several other Plushies, can be won by playing the Underwater Claw mini-game.
Conservation Museum Plushies
In the past, you were able to buy Plushies at the Conversation Museum. These Plushies were gigantic compared to the in-game animals that they represented. Check out the Giant Rhino Plushie and the Giant Crocodile Plushie below. They definitely look way larger than normal!
Touch Pool Plushies
In Tierney’s Aquarium, you will find the Touch Pool mini-game. By playing, you can win water themed Plushies. However, these Plushies can only be won once per AJ account.
Diamond Shop Plushies
You can sometimes buy Plushies in the Diamond Shop as well. The Plushies at the Diamond Shop are gigantic, just like the ones at the Conservation Museum.
Summer Carnival Plushies
Every year, there is the Summer Carnival in Jamaa. During the Summer Carnival, you are able to buy different kinds of Plushies with Tickets. There are four categories of Summer Carnival Plushies.
Small Size Summer Carnival Plushies
Large & Giant Size Summer Carnival Plushies
Freedom Day starts during the Summer Carnival. On Freedom Day, you can buy specific Plushies, called Freedom Plushies. They come in small and large sizes.
Small Size Freedom Plushies
Large Size Freedom Plushies
Epic Plushies
The Epic Plushies are some of the rarest Plushies in AJ. The only way to get them was by buying a real-life AJ Plushies, one of the Sidekix Plushies from Animal Jam Outfitters. Epic Plushies come with unique badges and they have their own animations.
Jazwares Plushies
Jazwares Plushies are another set of very rare Plushies. You would need to buy Jazwares Toys and enter the codes that come with those toys, in order to get Jazwares Plushies.
Other Plushies
Lastly, there are a bunch of other Plushies in AJ that are not categorized. Below, you will see a few of those Plushies. They all look pretty interesting, don’t you think?
What plushies do you have? Are there any plushies you want to trade? Post your trades in the comments below!